Hydrogen for Mobility: Generating a Cleaner Future
Air Products’ higher purpose includes addressing the world’s need for clean energy and materials while reducing environmental impacts. Hydrogen is key to rising to these challenges, and our H2fM Hydrogen for Mobility solutions cover the entire value chain for hydrogen fueling.
Generating a cleaner future involves experience, investment and innovation on a world scale. We have the technology, the track record, the capital and the ambition to be a first-mover in bringing the hydrogen economy to scale.
Hydrogen Fueling Process
Hydrogen for Fueling
In recent years, hydrogen has come to the forefront as an alternative, environmentally-friendly fuel. As an energy carrier, hydrogen provides many advantages versus other alternatives, particularly when used in a fuel cell.
Interested in building a hydrogen fueling station?
Talk to one of our experts about how our products and services can meet your needs for hydrogen fueling applications.