Halia® Solutions are Capable of Handling Diverse Requirements:
- To increase wastewater treatment capacity of an existing plant
- To reduce foams, odours and VOCs release from an aeration tank
- To improve nitrification and settling efficiency
- To remove colour for discharge or reuse
- To remove recalcitrant contaminants
- To raise the dissolved oxygen (DO) level and enlarge the aquaculture density

GENERATING A CLEANER FUTURE for the brewing industry
A sustainable and practical solution for brewery wastewater treatment.
This case study demonstrates that the use of CO₂ in breweries can easily achieve the desired pH levels in brewery effluent and is a viable alternative to mineral acids.

GENERATING A CLEANER FUTURE in data centre cooling towers

Ask the Expert

Samy Sablayrolles
Commercial Technology Water Solutions, Europe
Do you need to improve your water treatment process?
Our engineers can give you advice on the right equipment and solution for your needs.
Carbon Dioxide
Our experienced applications teams across the globe can use their industry and application knowledge to provide you with a compressed or liquid carbon dioxide supply and technology solution to meet your unique needs.
In addition to its use as a respiratory gas for healthcare applications, its strong oxidizing properties benefit many industries by improving yields, optimizing performance, lowering costs and reducing carbon footprint compared to other fuels.
Related Industries
Air Products offers thousands of products and services to a variety of different industries. This scope and experience has enabled us to develop a deeper understanding of the demands of these industries, and of your particular needs.
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